Former Assistant Secretary Lynn Johnson created the ALL IN for Foster Adoption Challenge as a national call for partners in every state, including governors, agencies, courts, churches, community organizations, foster alumni, and the public, to commit to being ALL IN for finding “Forever Families” for the 122,000 waiting children in the foster care system. Lynn believes these are America’s children and with a combined strategy of primary prevention on the front end when families are struggling and need intervention, as well as communities wrapping around those who step up to adopt waiting youth, the 122,000 could rapidly be reduced to zero if everyone would focus on that number.

After months of study and careful deliberation, we are excited to announce a new chapter. In the months and years to come, our team will speak with added clarity as we go from Fostering Futures to Empowering Futures.
Our new name change ushers in a new era of our organization. The word “empowering” embodies strength and confidence – something that we value in all we do.
In the years to come, we will be empowering futures as we advance our mission to be a resource and connector of foster alumni, cultivating engagement and giving foster alumni a stronger voice in their communities.
We are thrilled to advance our cause to help aged-out foster youth find their life purpose and use their talents as we at ALL IN build and mobilize a community that supports ALL foster alumni on a road to success.