Danny Vann is a former foster & trauma survivor. His story begins with a violent broken home-onto kinship care (relatives)-to-orphanage-to-foster home-back to a reunified alcoholic blended family & emancipation at 17…where he overcame all odds, graduated high school with honors, completed college and became a success manager in Information Technology — and a Professional Entertainer performing in front of tens of thousands of people. He has been inspiring and motivating people for decades through his professional music, corporate leadership and church fellowship roles. He is the founder and director of “Aging Out Academy” — where the journey from CHAOS to HOPE takes a huge leap forward. Danny was presented the “2022 Citizen for Change Award” from Westchester County, New York — nominated by Foster Kids Unite, Inc.

Studies show that nearly 60% of children placed in Foster Care come from poverty-driven issues (neglect & safety) I also believe there should be more Family Focused programs — both secular and Church-based to help and assist struggling families instead of punishing them (and the children) by ripping them apart. The Family First initiatives around the country are a great first step toward that solution.
I am currently becoming involved in a program called “All In Fostering Futures” It promotes a holistic approach to call on ALL members of the community to come alongside of struggling families and provide them the support and help that they need BEFORE interventions require children to be removed.
“All In” also supports children in Foster Care by helping and supporting Foster Parent, Kinship Parents, Agencies and other Advocates in the system. Finally, “All In” comes alongside Aged Out youth and adults who have been in care, are now independent, who are struggling and may need some help transitioning to autonomous lives. It promises to provide HOPE and resources for many people who struggle & suffer in silence and just want to succeed in the world around them.